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Friday, March 25, 2011

Cool Way to Get Discounts?

I finally went and checked out a new thing called Groupon.  A couple of months ago, a friend was telling me about the new app that she had just downloaded on her iPhone.  She was going on and on about how cool it was.  At the time, do to the environment we were in, I wasn't really paying attention.  All I could remember was Groupon and something about online coupons. I don't know what made me think of it today, but I did, and here we are talking about it.

The concept seems to be pretty strait forward.  A local business contacts Groupon, they come up with a deal to offer, they advertise the deal.  They come up with a minimum number of people that have to be willing to pay for the deal, and if they meet their minimum, the deal is good and it goes active.  So what the short and sweet of it is, you go to the site, you select a city, and it shows you the deal of the day.  If it is active, you can buy the deal.  If the deal isn't active, you just put it your credit/debit card information.  If the minimum number of people sign up, you get charged and you get the deal.  If the minimum is not met, you are charged nothing.

Like I said, I just checked this site out today.  I put in all my information and signed up to be sent emails daily when new deals are posted.  Today's Groupon deal is to what I assume is a trendy University City furniture store; spend $40 for $100 towards furniture.  Sounds like a good deal if you needed furniture.  I don't need any, and I don't know anyone that I like enough that needs furniture, so I didn't buy the deal.

Have any of you reading this used Groupon?  If you have any opinions/feedback about them please leave a comment or email me to let me know what you think of it.  I honestly don't have an opinion on them one way or another, since I just checked them out today. So for now I guess I will wait for them to offer a deal that I want to buy.

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